Chief of Staff COMMODOREProkopios Charitos

Prokopios Charitos


Commodore Prokopios Charitos (GR-NAVY) is the Chief Of Staff of the Eunavfor Med Operation IRINI Headquarters in Rome.


Commodore Prokopios Charitos (GR-NAVY) was born in Athens, in 1969. He joined the Hellenic Naval Academy in 1986 and graduated in 1990.


Education – Training

He attended the following line officer’s schools:

  • Navy General Training School (1993-1994)
  • Navigation Specialization Course (1994)
  • Commanding Officers Course for Frigates (2015)


He is a graduate of the Navy staff Command College (2001), Supreme Joint War College (2006 – 2007) and NATO Defense College (NADEFCOL) in Rome (2011).

He served at DDH MIAOULIS (1990 – 1991) as Protocol and Assistant Navigation Officer, at Gunboat DOXA (1991 – 1993) as Navigation and Ops Officer, at FFGH NAVARINON (1995 – 2000) as Navigation and Ops Officer, at FFGH ADRIAS

(2002 – 2005) as Navigation officer, Ops officer and Executive officer (XO).

He assumed the duties of Commanding Officer at Gunboat POLEMISTHS (2005 – 2006) and at FFGH ADRIAS (2015 – 2017).


Staff & other service

2000 – 2002   NATO Joint Command HQ in Tyrnabos  – Branch Chief of J1 Division.

2007 – 2009   Hellenic Navy General Staff (HNGS) – Deputy Branch Chief at the Department of Personnel.

2009 – 2010    Hellenic Navy General Staff (HNGS) – Branch Chief at the Department of Personnel

2010 – 2012    Hellenic National General Staff (HNGS) –Staff Officer of the Maritime Operational Center.

2012 – 2015    NATO Intelligence Fusion Center (NIFC) in Molesworth UK – Deputy Branch Chief of Middle East Branch.

2017 – 2018    Director of the Commander in Chief of the Hellenic Fleet.

2018 – 2020   Hellenic Navy General Staff (HNGS) – Director of Intelligence.

2020 – 2022   Naval Attaché of Greece in U.S.A. in Washington DC.

2022 – 2023    Commander of the Hellenic Navy War College.

2023 – 2024    Hellenic Navy General Staff (HNGS) – Assistant Director for the Surface Units of the Armament Directorate.



Ensign: 1990

Lieutenant Junior Grade: 1993

Lieutenant: 1997

Lieutenant Commander: 2002

Commander: 2010

Captain: 2018

Commodore: 2024



He holds all Greek Armed Forces’ decorations and medals up to his rank.


Marital Status

Married without children.


Chain of command

Deputy Operation Commander Rear Admiral (LH) Guillaume FONTARENSKY(FR Navy)
Operation Commander Rear Admiral (UH) Valentino Rinaldi(IT Navy)
Chief of Staff COMMODORE Prokopios Charitos(GR NAVY)