Special Envoy on Libya and Head of UNSMIL Ján Kubis visited Irini’s Headquarters

On 12 may 2021 Ján Kubiš, Special Envoy on Libya and Head of United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), has visited IRINI’s Headquarters in Rome. He was welcomed by IRINI’s Operation Commander, Rear Admiral Fabio Agostini, and his staff.
During the visit, Ján Kubiš expressed sincere appreciation for the impartial results achieved by the Operation in such a short time: “Thank you operation Irini for your job. Based on Security Council resolutions, our work and your work in Libya are complementary”, he said.
“Operation IRINI is part of a process involving political, military, economic and humanitarian tracks with the ultimate aim the bring peace and stability to Libyans. Since it began on 31 March 2020, Operation IRINI has achieved many important results. However, there is still a long way to go to complete the peace process in Libya.” said Admiral Fabio Agostini, Commander of Operation IRINI.