Acting Head of European Security and Defence College visit in IRINI OHQ

On the 13th of November, the Acting Head of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), Mr. Fergal O’REGAN, visited the Operational Headquarters (OHQ) of Operation IRINI. During the visit, he met with the Deputy Commander of Operation IRINI, Rear Admiral Guillaume FONTARENSKY and the OHQ staff.
The ESDC, in the context of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), provides EU level training and education, in the field of the Union’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). It aims to develop and promote a common understanding of CSDP among civilian and military personnel, and to identify and disseminate, through its training activities, good practices in relation to various CSDP issues. By doing so, the ESDC complements the national efforts in the field of training and education.
The visit provided an excellent opportunity to discuss IRINI’s strategic value in promoting stability and security in the Central Mediterranean region and allowed for a thorough examination of some training issues in order to find increasingly suitable solutions to ensure the rapid and effective deployment of personnel designated by the Member States into EU IRINI Operation.